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Liberty, Maine weather data for
December 22, 2024:
Avg. high 33.7°
Avg. low 21.0°
Record high 54.1° in 2018
Record low 4.7° in 2008
Avg. precipitation 0.22"
Top precip day was 2.78" in 2022
Avg. top wind gust 19.4mph
Record high is 48mph in 1998
Avg bar. pressure 1012.6mb
Record high bar 1035.8mb in 2007
Record low bar 979.3mb in 2008
Avg dew point 20.9°
Record high DP 54.1° in 2018
Record low DP -16.0° in 1998
Avg humidity 77.2%
Record low humidity 24% in 1998
*Weather data since 1/1/1998
Season snowfall
(Highest to Lowest)
'14-'15 148.25"
'07-'08 135.90"
'00-'01 126.98"
'10-'11 125.10"
’17-’18 108.15"
’12-’13 100.70"
’18-’19 96.70"
’16-’17 93.65"
'08-'09 90.25"
’22-’23 86.25"
'01-'02 85.15"
’13-’14 82.95"
'06-'07 82.65"
'03-'04 78.75"
'98-'99 78.65"
'09-'10 78.45"
'02-'03 74.00"
’19-’20 73.85"
’11-’12 68.70"
’21-’22 65.70"
'99-'00 64.90"
’23-’24 60.60"
’20-’21 55.55"
'05-'06 50.35"
’15-’16 50.10"
'04-'05 44.77"
’24-’25 13.90"
Thru 12/21
26 season average: 84.89"
In a dog's brain
A constant buzz of low-level static
Neil Peart, 'Dog Year'
(Lines that led to site name of STATIC)
After 17 years I am going to suspend publishing this website. I will maintain ownership of the domain address should I decide to begin again.
Options under consideration regarding sharing my weather data include posting on Facebook (not favoring this) or sharing via email through a .pdf file which I did before website.
Final day is December 27, 2024.