
Weather Data

Last updated 9/3/24

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Keep On Rolling

Last updated 9/23/24

Vehicle Data  

Last updated 9/30/24

Ev's Photos

Last updated 7/20/24

Liberty, Maine weather data for

September 30, 2024:

Avg. high   62.4°

Avg. low    46.5°

Record high  70.3° in 2020

Record low   36.0° in 2005

Avg. precipitation  0.25"

Top precip day was  4.35" in 2015

Avg. top wind gust  17.8mph

Record high is  49mph in 2020

Avg bar. pressure  1015.6mb

Record high bar   1033.4mb in 2016

Record low bar      993.6mb in 2020

Avg dew point       46.3°

Record high DP    69.3° in 2020

Record low DP     28.9° in 2016

Avg humidity   75.8%

Record low humidity  32% in 2016


*Weather data since 1/1/1998

Season snowfall


(Highest to Lowest)

'14-'15    148.25"

'07-'08    135.90"

'00-'01    126.98"

'10-'11    125.10"

’17-’18    108.15"

’12-’13    100.70"

’18-’19      96.70"

’16-’17      93.65"

'08-'09      90.25"

’22-’23      86.25"

'01-'02      85.15"

’13-’14      82.95"

'06-'07      82.65"

'03-'04      78.75"

'98-'99      78.65"

'09-'10      78.45"

'02-'03      74.00"

’19-’20      73.85"

’11-’12      68.70"

’21-’22      65.70"

'99-'00      64.90"

’23-’24      60.60"

’20-’21      55.55"

'05-'06      50.35"

’15-’16      50.10"

'04-'05      44.77"

26 season average: 84.89"

Got a caterpillar body and a butterfly brain

-Jerry Cantrell in 'Spidebite'


Slowly updating pages.

Vehicle data is done. Bike page will be updated next. Then throw up the July charts for a few days while I get August weather done. Then start on September weather so I do not fall further behind.

Current seasonal watch for first day below 32° has started.

Audiobook Notes

Last updated 7/6/24