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Liberty, Maine weather data for
December 12, 2024:
Avg. high 36.7°
Avg. low 22.3°
Record high 56.0° in 2021**
Record low 7.6° in 2013
Avg. precipitation 0.09"
Top precip day was 0.93" in 2008
Avg. top wind gust 22.5mph
Record high is 45mph in 2003**
Avg bar. pressure 1013.6mb
Record high bar 1038.1mb in 2019
Record low bar 986.3mb in 2017
Avg dew point 22.3°
Record high DP 56.0° in 2021**
Record low DP -7.1° in 2013
Avg humidity 73.6%
Record low humidity 32% in 2006
*Weather data since 1/1/1998
Season snowfall
(Highest to Lowest)
'14-'15 148.25"
'07-'08 135.90"
'00-'01 126.98"
'10-'11 125.10"
’17-’18 108.15"
’12-’13 100.70"
’18-’19 96.70"
’16-’17 93.65"
'08-'09 90.25"
’22-’23 86.25"
'01-'02 85.15"
’13-’14 82.95"
'06-'07 82.65"
'03-'04 78.75"
'98-'99 78.65"
'09-'10 78.45"
'02-'03 74.00"
’19-’20 73.85"
’11-’12 68.70"
’21-’22 65.70"
'99-'00 64.90"
’23-’24 60.60"
’20-’21 55.55"
'05-'06 50.35"
’15-’16 50.10"
'04-'05 44.77"
’24-’25 13.40"
Thru 12/17
26 season average: 84.89"
A sickened mind and spirit
-Ozzy Osbourne, 'Diary of a Madman'
After 17 years I am going to suspend publishing this website. I will maintain ownership of the domain address should I decide to begin again.
More will be posted later.
Final day is December 27, 2024.